The hospital’s Medicare GME reimbursement must be a significant consideration when establishing Graduate Medical Education programs. GME Solutions can guide you through a government program that has too many complicated rules, data elements and documentation needs.
Hospitals are now faced with strict appeal rules and jurisdictional challenges when appealing and reopening issues for Graduate Medical Education. The best way to avoid these challenges is to ensure the hospital’s cost report filing is accurate.
Our complete package includes:
- Implementation of the FTE cap
- FTE rotation detail
- Per resident amount
- Physician and non-physician time studies
- An accurate IRIS diskette
- A hard copy and electronic copy of all information needed to support the resident FTE count
- Documentation to support the FTE cap
- Communication assistance with Medicare auditors and defending the hospital’s claims
For this type of review, GME Solutions structures its fees on an hourly basis. Please call for a free quote today.