CMS Releases Proposed 2020 IPPS Rules – Impact to Graduate Medical Education

May 8, 2019
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) published the proposed changes to the Inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS) rules for fiscal year 2020 on May 3, 2019. The proposed rules addressed multiple issues, two of which impact Graduate Medical Education:
- Modifications to Nonprovider Settings — If finalized, the rule will allow hospitals to count resident training time at critical access hospitals (CAH). Under the current regulations, CAHs were not considered to be a nonprovider site. The proposed rules modify the definition of a nonprovider site to include CAHs. The proposed changes are a result of CMS acknowledging that there is no explicit definition of “nonprovider” in the statue and the “ambiguous” status of a CAH as a hospital. The modification is CMS’s effort to support and encourage the training of residents in rural and underserved areas. If finalized, hospitals will be allowed to claim the residents’ time effective with portions of cost reporting periods beginning October 1, 2019, as long as the nonprovider setting requirements are met.
- CMS Authorizes Round 14 of Section 5506 of the Affordable Care Act — In response to the closure of Good Samaritan Hospital in Dayton Ohio, CMS initiated Round 14. The deadline to apply for the slots under section 5506 is July 22, 2019. The “Section 5506 Application Form” can be found on CMS’s website.
Comments on the proposed rules are due prior to 5 p.m. EDT on June 24, 2019. CMS encourages comments to be submitted electronically to
Following is a link to the FY 2020 IPPS Proposed Rule (see pages 19446-19449):
About the Author:
Larry Sumitani
Senior Principal